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How to Answer "What Would You Do if You Couldn’t Fail?" (With Sample Answers)

Imagine walking into a job interview and being asked, "What would you do if you couldn't fail?" This thought-provoking interview question aims to uncover your true ambitions and see beyond the limitations you might place on yourself due to fear of failure.

Crafting a compelling response requires you to align your deepest goals with the value you could bring to the company, demonstrating both self-awareness and strategic thinking.

Whether you dream of leading major projects, innovating new products, or driving meaningful change within the organization, this is your opportunity to articulate a vision that showcases your potential and how you'd confidently embrace risk for spectacular results.

Why Employers Ask This?

When you're in an interview, the question "What would you do if you couldn't fail?" serves a strategic purpose for the employer. They are not just trying to inspire a philosophical conversation; rather, they're delving into your aspirations, creativity, and risk-taking capabilities. Here's what employers are looking to uncover:

Employers are not seeking outlandish fantasies. They want realistic aspirations that align with their company values and goals. Show them you've got vision, but also that you understand the practical steps it would take to achieve your goals in a world where failure is indeed a possibility.

How To Answer This?

When asked "What Would You Do if You Couldn't Fail?" during a job interview, your response should reflect an ambitious but realistic vision that aligns with your personal and career goals. This question provides you with an opportunity to showcase your interests and commitment to personal and professional development.

Incorporating Personal and Career Goals

Delve into your passions and long-term career objectives. Identify goals that are attractive to potential employers, such as writing a book or launching an innovative experiment. This reflection of your commitment can demonstrate the positive impact you aspire to have on their company.

Highlighting Learning from Setbacks

Setbacks and challenges are inevitable on the path to success. Speak candidly about past experiences where you embraced setbacks as learning opportunities rather than insurmountable obstacles. Your answer should reflect the support system you have in place for such times and the lessons learned from these experiences.

Demonstrating Constructive Risk-Taking

Describe scenarios where you would take calculated risks. Convey how, unimpeded by fears of failure, you could tackle ambitious projects that inspire innovation and experiment with new ideas. It's crucial to show that even in the absence of fear, you appreciate the value of support and making informed decisions.

Sample Answers

When facing the interview question, "What Would You Do if You Couldn't Fail?", it's pivotal to craft an answer that highlights your ambitions, relates to the remote job role, and demonstrates how you would leverage the opportunity to your and the company's advantage. Here are three different sample answers to inspire your own responses:

Career Advancement

"If I knew I couldn't fail, I would strive to become a leader in this industry. For example, in the next five years, I aim to mentor a team to innovate and drive success. Working here, which is known for its cutting-edge projects, would be a significant step towards that goal."

Entrepreneurial Spirit

"Failing is a common fear that often stands in the way of entrepreneurial ventures. If failure was not on the table, I would launch a tech startup to address environmental issues. The experience and network I could gain from this role would be instrumental in understanding market dynamics and technology applications."

Personal Development

"I'd focus on developing a diverse set of skills, such as learning new languages and mastering data analysis. This role aligns with those goals because it offers opportunities for continuous learning and cross-departmental collaboration."


Your should be tailored to reflect your true ambitions while also being relevant to the job you are applying for. The goal is to reveal ambition and self-awareness, as well as a desire to grow within the realm of the company's mission.

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