12 Work From Home Jobs With No Experience That Pay Well

Remote work is becoming a popular choice for many people looking to find jobs online. The benefits of remote work are plentiful and can be a great option for those who want a flexible schedule and the ability to work from home. The lack of an office environment means that you have access to professional resources from any location, which can help you grow your skillset without sacrificing your personal life.

There is a misconception that remote jobs are available only to high-skilled professionals with years of experience under their belt. But, anyone can find a good remote job, even without any experience. Just because you don't have much work experience doesn't mean you can't find a good remote job opportunity.

Working from home has become the go-to for millennials. With more and more people transitioning to a remote work life, it's not a surprise that there is a lot of competition when looking for a remote job with no experience.

If you want to make sure you’re only applying to real opportunities with legitimate companies, you can search for work from home jobs on DailyRemote. In this article, we bring to you a list of best high-paying online jobs you can land with no experience.

How to Find a Remote Job with No Experience?

Do you want to land a remote job with little or no experience, worry not, we bring tot you the basic skills your must have and strategies you need to try to work from home and earn money even if you don't have much work experience.

  • Understand and Learn essential remote work skills such as communication skills, Problem-solving skills, Interpersonal skills and others like attention to detail, time management and qualifications you are lacking to apply to your dream remote job. This would also provide you better chance of competing with other job candidates.
  • Get used to Remote Tools and Softwares such as communication tools such as Zoom, Slack, and project management tools such as Trello, Asana, Jira etc to help you in a remote interview as they are a must have for anybody working remotely.
  • Create a remote job tailored Resume and Cover Letter with online portfolio among other job search documents to increase your odds of getting a remote job when applying for a remote job. These gives hiring managers a peek into your capability and values you would provide if hired irrespective of little experience. It also help applicant tracking software select your resume and move it to the next round.
  • Research and Apply to Top Remote Companies hiring for remote roles for beginners or entry-level remote jobs. Create a job-hunting schedule and send out a set number of applications each week. Don't get discouraged if you don't hear back from some of them, keep the motivation to land your first remote job.

These skills will help you establish yourself as a top contender, along with answer your questions like what it takes to land a remote job with little to no experience?How can I make money from home without a degree? How do I get started working from home?How do you pursue a job with little or no experience?

High-Paying Remote Jobs With No Experience Needed

We list down best high-paying remote jobs that require very little or no experience suitable for remote jobseekers seeking entry-level or part-time easy work from home jobs. What kind of jobs can you do from home?We list them done below:

1. Online Virtual Assistant Jobs With No Experience

A virtual assistant can help with a variety of tasks from customer service, data entry, organising events, social media management, or even coding if they have the skillset for it. Remote Virtual Assistant Jobs from home requires you to help clients by handling administrative tasks, scheduling, word processing, and customer service and providing other types of support .

Skills required for a Remote Virtual Assistant job with no experience include:

  • Communication Skills
  • Technical Proficiency
  • Attention to Detail
  • Learning Attitude
  • Organizational Skills

You can start working as a virtual assistant with no experience, you just need to know a few things about this job type such as the tools that will help you succeed as online virtual assistant. To become a successful virtual assistant be it part-time or full-time without prior work experience, it is important to have good communication skills, good writing skills and computer skills. Learn how to become a virtual assistant here.

Various types of beginner friendly virtual assistant jobs online include:

  • Virtual assistant jobs for students
  • Virtual assistant jobs for beginners
  • Digital virtual assistant jobs
  • Freelance virtual assistant jobs
  • Part time virtual assistant jobs
  • Entry-level virtual assistant jobs
  • Amazon virtual assistant jobs
  • Pinterest virtual assistant jobs

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2. Online Data Entry Jobs With No Experience

The good thing about data entry jobs is that they require little to no experience. All you need is a computer and internet access. No experience data entry jobs are also good for people who are looking to make some extra money on the side of their main job or looking to do the work from home and have no experience in this field.

Data entry jobs are one of the easiest ways for someone to make money at home. These positions do not require any previous work experience, and pay anywhere from $10-30 per hour depending on the company or industry that is hiring for the position.

Skills required for a Remote Data Entry job with no experience include:

  • Typing Accuracy and Speed
  • Familiarity with Softwares like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets
  • Attention to Detail
  • Organizational Skills
  • Time Management and Self-Motivation

Data Entry Jobs involve transcribing data into a useable format, updating spreadsheets, inputting data into databases, categorizing information, etc. This could be information from sales ledgers, tax returns or other financial records. Learn how to find the best remote data entry jobs.

Various types of beginner friendly online data entry jobs include:

  • Online typing jobs
  • Data entry jobs online from home for students
  • Freelance data entry jobs
  • Data entry operator jobs
  • Part time data entry jobs from home
  • Entry level data analyst jobs
  • Amazon data entry jobs
  • Government data entry jobs

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3. Online Customer Service Jobs With No Experience

A customer service job is perfect for those who like to work with people, but do not want to complete a four-year degree program. These positions are usually available in the evening or on weekends, which means that it is easy for someone with a full-time job to work as well as earn extra money. These positions are designed to require little experience and allow those seeking them to be able to start working right away.

Customer service jobs with no experience are perfect for people who want to get their foot in the door of the workforce, but don't have much experience.Remote customer service representative's job is to answer questions and resolve issues for customers. They should be able to communicate clearly, calmly and with empathy. Remote customer service representatives also assist customers in finding products or information they need by providing direction or making calls on behalf of the customer.

Skills required for a Remote Customer Service job with no experience include:

  • Effective Communication and Active Listening
  • Technical Proficiency
  • Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
  • Empathy and Patience
  • Time Management

Working in customer service might not sound like a dream job, but it can be an entry-level position that will teach valuable skills like problem solving, teamwork, and time management while also allowing you to demonstrate your interpersonal skills. Various types of beginner friendly online customer support jobs include:

  • Amazon customer service jobs
  • Customer service manager jobs
  • Customer care executive jobs
  • Customer relation officer jobs
  • Part time customer service jobs
  • Call centre jobs from home
  • Chat support jobs
  • Amazon work from home customer service jobs

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4. Online CopyWriting Jobs With No Experience

Online copywriting jobs are a great opportunity for someone who is looking to make a career change, but doesn't have experience in the field. As a copywriting professional, you will need to be able to take on different assignments and projects, this requires an understanding of SEO and digital marketing concepts as well as excellent writing skills.

The first thing that you should do is optimize your resume for the jobs that interest you. Use keywords like "copywriter" and "content writer" in your resume summary and make sure you include any relevant skills or certifications that might show up in the job description. Send out applications for jobs that seem like they would be a good fit for your skillset, but also make sure not to limit yourself.

Skills required for a Remote CopyWriting job with no experience include:

  • Strong Writing Skills, impeccable grammar and a broad vocabulary
  • Research Proficiency
  • Adaptability in Tone and Style
  • Understanding of Marketing and Persuasion
  • Time Management and Discipline

If you're looking for a career change and have a knack for writing, but don't have much experience when it comes to copywriting, online job boards such as DailyRemote can be great resources for finding work that fits these needs. Various types of beginner friendly remote copy writing jobs from home include:

  • Freelance copywriting jobs
  • Junior copywriter jobs
  • Digital copywriter jobs
  • Advertising copywriter jobs
  • Work from home copywriter jobs
  • Entry level copywriter jobs
  • Copywriter for websites
  • Copywriter for SEO

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5. Online English Teaching Jobs With No Experience

Teaching English as a second language is a great way to make money. It can be done as part of your current job, or as a side hustle on the weekends. In the past few years teaching jobs have been popping up all over the world.

In some cases, those who teach English as a secondary language do not need any experience with their own languages. They only need to know how to speak and write in English fluently and know how to teach it effectively. You can work from the comfort of your home and teach English on the internet to students around the world.

Skills required for a Remote English Teaching job with no experience include:

  • Command of the English Language and a deep understanding of grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions.
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Adaptability and Patience
  • Technical Proficiency when using online platforms, tools, and possibly digital educational software.
  • Engaging Presentation Skills

You would have to just teach english online with no experience and still, your responsibilities will be grading papers and assignments, providing feedback, and giving lessons to students with little supervision. Various types of beginner friendly online english teaching jobs from home include:

  • Spoken english tutor jobs
  • Online teaching jobs part time
  • Online teaching jobs for beginners
  • Online teaching jobs for students
  • Online english teaching jobs from home
  • Homework online job
  • Teach english online
  • Online teaching jobs for primary classes

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6. Proofreading Jobs Online With No Experience

Proofreading is a form of copyediting. Proofreading is a process of examining and correcting any text that has been created. It is an important stage that ensures that your content is professional and grammatically correct.

Their main responsibility include understanding the context and the tone of the message and start identifying and correcting errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. Providing feedback on the content may be necessary as well since sometimes it’s not about finding errors but instead about making suggestions on how to improve what has been written.

Skills required for a Remote Proofreading job with no experience include:

  • Meticulous Attention to Detail
  • Strong Command of the Language. Understanding nuances, variations in tone, style, and the intricacies of syntax and structure are critical.
  • Patience and Concentration
  • Technical Proficiency
  • Effective Communication Skills

Proofreaders are usually hired to work with books, magazines, newspaper articles, marketing copy, blogs, scripts for adverts or television programmes etc. There are also freelance proofing jobs available online which you can search for on websites like DailyRemote or Upwork. Various types of beginner friendly proofreading jobs from home no experience include:

  • Freelance proofreading jobs
  • Proofreading jobs online for beginners
  • Amazon proofreading jobs
  • Editing and proofreading jobs
  • Proofreading jobs for students
  • Part time proofreading jobs

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7. Remote Medical Assistant Jobs

Do you have interest in working in the health care industry? If you are looking for an entry-level position, then look no further. An online medical assistant may be the right opportunity for you.

Medical assistants provide administrative, clinical, and other health care services to patients under the supervision of physicians or other healthcare professionals. The job duties of an online medical assistant can vary greatly depending on the business they are employed with. However, they may be required to answer incoming calls, perform clerical tasks, interact with customers, and assist customers with technical difficulties.

Skills required for a Remote Medical assistants job with no experience include:

  • Medical Terminology Familiarity
  • Technical Proficiency in using Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, telehealth platforms, and other specialized software.
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Patient Confidentiality and Ethics

Medical Assistants are mainly employed as lab assistants in all types of health care facilities including hospitals, clinics, physician offices and nursing homes. Online Medical Assistants have a higher salary than the average median. Various types of beginner friendly medical assistant jobs from home no experience include:

  • Medical records assistant
  • Laboratory assistant jobs
  • Physicians assistant jobs
  • Doctors assistant jobs
  • Lab assistant jobs
  • Health assistant jobs
  • Clinical assistant jobs

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8. Entry-Level Remote Software Engineer Jobs

Software engineering is a field of computer science and engineering that deals with the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software.Entry level software engineer jobs are becoming more popular as the demand for software engineers continues to surge. There has been an increase in companies looking for junior software engineers to fill their open positions.

Entry level software engineer jobs are for people who are fresh graduates or students who have no experience in the field. If you are one of them, there are many tools available to learn how to code. They range from free online courses to affordable programs like Udacity and Coursera.

Skills required for a Remote Entry level software engineer job with no experience include:

  • Core Programming Knowledge of languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, or another major language.
  • Familiarity with Version Control Tools like Git.
  • Basic Understanding of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Problem-Solving and Debugging Skills
  • Effective Communication and Collaboration

The demands are high with little supply meaning there are not many people who have the right skillset or qualification needed for these positions. Entry-level software engineering positions can be a great career path for students who are new to programming and don’t have a lot of experience in the field. Various types of beginner friendly entry-level software developer jobs from home include:

  • Software developer jobs
  • Freelance software developer jobs
  • Associate software engineer jobs
  • Junior software developer
  • Dev engineer jobs
  • Site reliability engineer jobs
  • QA engineer jobs
  • Associate software engineer jobs
  • Software consultant jobs

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9. Online Transcription Jobs From Home

Online transcription jobs are an excellent opportunity to jump start your career and work from home.Transcriptionists are transcribers, who convert spoken-word audio into written text. The transcriptions are then sent back to the client. Online transcription jobs are easy to find for people with no experience in transcription work.

With the advent of technology, many people spend hours at their desk every day typing away on a computer. Often times they do not even know what they are typing about or who they are writing the document for. This is where online transcription jobs become very popular because it is such a simple and easy way to earn some extra cash in your spare time.

Skills required for a Remote Transcription job with no experience include:

  • Fast and Accurate Typing Skills
  • Strong Listening Abilities to distinguish between different speakers, understand various accents.
  • Proficiency in Grammar and Punctuation
  • Familiarity with Transcription Software
  • Attention to Detail and Research Skills

Some people think that transcription requires years of training in order to be proficient at it, but this is not true. In fact, anyone can learn how to transcribe in just a few days by taking an online course and doing some practice with real audio files in order to get the hang of the process. Various types of beginner friendly remote transcription jobs from home include:

  • Online transcription jobs for beginners
  • Legal transcription jobs from home
  • Medical transcription jobs from home
  • Part time medical transcription jobs from home
  • Freelance transcription jobs
  • Online transcriptionist

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10. Social Media Marketing Jobs From Home

Social media marketing is the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. It is a form of online marketing, typically carried out by businesses or individuals with products or services to promote. There are many roles in social media marketing, but most involve managing social media accounts, pages or profiles for clients

Social media marketing provides a platform for brands to connect with target audiences and generate leads. Brands can reach out to new markets, make a name for themselves, and even create relationships with customers who may not have otherwise known about the brand.  It is an easy way for brands to chat with their customers in real time through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Skills required for a Remote Social media marketing job with no experience include:

  • Understanding of Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Pinterest is crucial.
  • Content Creation and Curation
  • Analytical Skills to gauge the performance of posts, ads, and overall engagement.
  • Effective Communication and Copywriting
  • Trend Awareness and Adaptability

Social Media Marketing helps businesses create a personal connection with their customers. It is a way of getting closer to them unlike traditional advertising. With social media, businesses can now engage with candidates they would have missed otherwise. Various types of beginner friendly remote social media marketing jobs from home include

  • Social media manager jobs
  • Social media digital marketer
  • Social media executive jobs
  • Instagram marketing jobs
  • Social media marketing jobs for freshers
  • Social media marketing internship

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11. Online Administrative Assistant Jobs

A virtual assistant who specialises in offering administrative services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office are called administrative assistants or executive assistants. Typical tasks a virtual assistant might perform include scheduling appointments, making phone calls, greeting guests,  managing written Communications, preparing for meetings, making travel arrangements, and managing email accounts.

Skills required for a Remote Administrative Assistant  job with no experience include:

  • Organizational Skills
  • Technical Proficiency office software (e.g., Microsoft Office Suite or Google Workspace), virtual meeting platforms (like Zoom or Microsoft Teams), and possibly project management tools (like Asana or Trello).
  • Effective Communication
  • Time Management and Self-discipline
  • Problem-Solving and Proactiveness

Various types of beginner friendly remote administrative assistant Jobs from home include:

  • Executive assistant jobs
  • Office assistant jobs
  • Admin assistant jobs
  • Junior office assistant jobs
  • Administrative secretary
  • Front office assistant
  • Virtual administrative assistant
  • Legal administrative assistant
  • Executive secretaries

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12. Online Translation Jobs From Home

Remote translation jobs are available online and offer good opportunities for language enthusiasts. Some examples of technologies that translate written content include Google Translate and Microsoft Translator, which offer text translations between many different languages. With remote translation jobs, you can collaborate with your peers across the globe with the use of technology. All you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Online translation jobs offers a chance to work from anywhere in the world as long as you have access to an internet connection. This type of job satisfies many people’s desire to travel while still working because it allows them to work from anywhere they are located in the world without being tied down to one location.

Skills required for a Remote Translation job with no experience include:

  • Proficiency in Source and Target Languages
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Research Skills
  • Attention to Detail
  • Proficiency with Translation Tools such as Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools.

Translating may be easy, but it is also very mentally challenging, which is why it can be rewarding for people who enjoy this type of challenge on a day-to-day basis. Various types of beginner friendly translation jobs from home include

  • Interpreter translator
  • Freelance translator
  • Online translation jobs for students
  • Subtitling jobs
  • Translation jobs for beginners
  • Language translator jobs
  • Part time translation jobs from home
  • Hindi translator jobs

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Where To Find Top High-Paying Remote Jobs with No Experience?

Recruiters, remote job boards/sites, and freelance websites are all great places to look for remote work opportunities. However, big names like LinkedIn, Indeed, Flexjobs don't offer many options whether you are looking for a contract or part-time position or a full-time salaried job.

Most of the careers support, but some jobs are not remote. Professions like software engineering, customer service, project management, recruiting, etc., can be done remotely. Here's a list of high-paying remote jobs to give you an idea of what pays the most.

If you're interested in remote jobs and are searching for high-quality jobs from a trustworthy source, sign up for DailyRemote.

DailyRemote is home to thousands of employers looking to hire remote workers, and the best part some of the highest-paying remote jobs are also here. Search and apply for remote jobs and positions that interest you. If you get any responses, follow up with them on the spot. Always be connected to relevant remote jobs. Save money on a membership. Of course, applying for remote jobs isn't the only thing you can do on DailyRemote.

Unlike most job boards out there, DailyRemote just charges you $7 to browse remote positions, apply to jobs that interest you or even get hired. That's because transparency, trust, efficiency, and knowledge are the core values we follow.

DailyRemote makes it easy to find remote jobs that fit your schedule and interests. See which employers are hiring right now. Browse remote jobs that have already been posted. Get help with your job search by joining a community of like-minded professionals. And so much more.

When you search for remote jobs on DailyRemote, use the following terms to get all possible remote-work jobs available.

Lastly, create a remote job alert, which notifies you of new job openings based on a specific job title, salary, or location to increase your chances of seeing remote work jobs.

Whether you want to work from home full-time, or  part-time remote job, weather you are looking for a contract or permanent position, weather you have very little experience or no experience, DailyRemote has job postings in various career categories to help you find what you need.  

Working remotely is the need of the hour. And now that you know how to find the remote job of your dreams, so follow these tips and start applying today. Join like-minded people in our LinkedIn and Facebook community.

Want to learn more about being the how to become the best remote job candidate? Check out the DailyRemote remote working resources and tips as well join our remote workers community and Facebook community. This will help you kickstart and build your remote work career starting today.