5 Effective Tips for Working and Learning Remotely

Working remotely may sound like a dream come true for many. However, you may not have your boss looking over your shoulder all the time, it can be challenging due to the blurred lines between work and home. Negotiating how to work from home at your current company can go a long way.

It’s not complicated to make remote working a success, but it does take some planning and figuring out how to make it work for you. Here are some tips to help you if you’re working from home.

Plan a schedule that works for you

Working or studying remotely provides you the freedom to outline your schedule around one's most productive times. Sometimes, it proves to be a double-edged sword as the more flexible your schedule is, the more diligent you have to be about setting boundaries for yourself and finding your structure.

Many remote workers start their day early and finish early. Others incorporate breaks in the afternoon and then start working in the evening after supper.

When deciding your schedule, it is essential to consider things such as your working styles, your geographical location, along with your responsibilities towards your colleagues and family.

Finding the right balance can be tricky, especially if you are pursuing studies on the side. You must be wondering who can help me do my assignment? There are  many academic writing services that you can rely on for your essays, thesis, dissertation, or any other writing work that you need from time to time.

Invest in a dedicated workspace

Working from your bed in your pyjamas may be the stereotypical scene that comes to mind when thinking about working remotely. However, this doesn’t signal to your brain that it’s time to work rather than relax. It also means that there’s no division between where you sleep and where you work or study.

Working at a kitchen counter or at the dining table may seem logical but it means having to clear away your work at times. If you don’t have a spare room, you can convert into an office space or study space, figure out where you can put a desk in a corner that isn’t used for anything else and use a comfortable chair that offers enough back support.

Simulating an office setting when creating your home workspace engenders a business-like atmosphere that enhances your concentration and approach to duty. It also sets it apart from the rest of the house and helps to stem encroachment by family members.

Embrace video calls

Working from your bed while getting comfortable in pajamas is the convention that comes to mind when thinking about working remotely. However, working lying around the bed provides wrong signals to your brain that it’s time to relax rather than work. It is crucial to create a division between your sleeping space and your workspace.

Working at a kitchen counter or the dining table may seem logical, but you then have to shuffle people work and household stuff. We recommend converting a spare room into an office space or study space, add a standing desk, look for a comfortable chair that offers enough back support, and add headphones to throw in some tunes and join those zoom video calls.

Simulating an office setting in your home workspace engenders a business-like atmosphere that enhances your concentration and approach to duty. It creates a division from the rest of the house and helps to stem encroachment by family members.

Take regular breaks

When you’re working from home, it is easier to stay at your desk for longer than you should, which could be harsh on your health, mentally and physically. Make sure you take regular breaks, get some walk and exercise to let your blood circulate. Grab a coffee, eat lunch, or take a short walk to take care of mental health.

If you have trouble taking breaks, try setting a timer to break your work up into intervals separated by short breaks. Specific blocks of time of about 30 minutes usually work well, but decide whatever works best for you.

Regulated breaks are significant for your overall health and well-being, but they also help reinvigorate your mental capacity. A refreshed mind will be quick in generating ideas on the fly. Significant screen times cause a mental block that slows your productivity.

Create your own processes

When you work or study remotely, you're outside the office environment, and you are not supposed to follow a 9-5 routine. You get to plan your work schedule and add fun activities like yoga exercises between tasks.

The point is to figure out what increases your productivity. Since working from home, you don't have to worry about disturbing others. Enjoy working to background music? Nothing is stopping you. Design you own work from home practices.

The key is to create an office-like environment suitable for working effectively. It won't be evident right away, but as you progress, you will learn what works well and adjust accordingly. However, to gain success in working remotely, you must keep your own rules diligently for consistency and discipline.


Remote working is quickly becoming the new normal, especially during these hard times. The transition from working in an office to working at home can throw you off. Looking for a remote job? Take help from out list of top 20 Remote Companies that are hiring.

Therefore you need to learn how to optimize work schedules, have a dedicated workspace, embrace video calls, take regular breaks to prevent burnout, and create your processes. Make adjustments and be kind to yourself as you adjust to your new reality.

If you are looking for a remote job or are laid off, visit DailyRemote for finding remote jobs and start applying. Join like-minded people at our LinkedIn and Facebook community and follow our career advice.