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How to Answer "Tell Me About A Time You Had to Work with Difficult People?" (With Sample Answers)

When interviewing for a remote job, you may encounter the question, "Tell me about a time you had to work with difficult people. How did you handle it?" This question assesses your interpersonal skills and ability to navigate challenges in a team setting.

Your approach to this query should demonstrate conflict resolution skills, diplomacy, and the ability to maintain professionalism under tension. Crafting a compelling response involves reflecting on past experiences where you successfully resolved issues with colleagues, highlighting the strategies you employed to foster a collaborative outcome.

Why Employers Ask This?

When interviewing candidates, employers are keen on understanding how you interact in team settings. The question about working with difficult people aims to uncover your interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and resilience.

How To Answer "Tell Us A Time When It Was Difficult To Work With Someone"?

When preparing your response, focus on clearly structuring your narrative around the specifics of the encountered situation, the actions you took, the results, and insights gained.

Situation and Task Outline

Start by describing the context and your specific role within the situation involving difficult people. Use a concise sentence to establish:

For example:

Action Steps Taken

Detail the specific steps you took to navigate the challenge. Present these steps in a clear, numbered list for straightforward comprehension:

  1. Listened actively to all parties to understand their viewpoints.
  2. Communicated your observations and suggested a common ground.
  3. Facilitated a meeting focused on collaborative problem-solving.
  4. Mediated to mitigate tensions and foster respect.

Result of the Interaction

Summarize the outcome of the situation using bullet points, highlighting the direct effects of your efforts:

Lessons Learned and Self-Reflection

End by sharing what you learned from the experience and how it's informed your current approach to teamwork. Keep it personal and professionally relevant:

Sample Answers

Sample Answer 1: When working as a project manager,* I encountered a team member who repeatedly challenged my decisions. I actively listened to his concerns and asked for his input during team meetings to leverage his strong attention to detail. By involving him in the decision-making process, I transformed his opposition into valuable critique. This not only led to more robust project outcomes but also improved the team dynamics.

Sample Answer 2: In my role as a customer service representative, I often faced clients who were frustrated and occasionally rude. my approach was to remain calm and empathetic, acknowledging their feelings without taking their behavior personally. I  stayed calm and empathetic, avoided taking their behavior personally and provided clear explanations and solutions, turning most of these interactions into positive outcomes.

Sample Answer 3: While collaborating on a high-stakes project in data entry,* I coped with a colleague who missed deadlines, causing team frustration. I also initiated a private conversation to understand their challenges and jointly developed a more manageable timeline. Regular check-ins and support helped our colleague improve punctuality and team morale.


Remember, your answer should reflect your ability to navigate a difficult interaction without compromising the work quality or team morale. Be honest and specific about your experience, and focus on the positive outcomes or learning experiences that resulted from the situation.

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