How to Create A Remote Work Policy

With the shift to permanent remote work model, rise of hybrid work model and the world becoming increasingly digital, having an effective remote work policy is more important than ever, especially for a remote company.

A remote work policy is a collection of principles that outline what companies and employees can anticipate while operating outside the typical office environment. It should be tailored to the specific needs of your business and provide clear expectations for those who choose to work remotely.

This article will discuss eight steps to help you create an effective remote work policy and hire remote workers.

What is a Remote Work Policy?

Remote work policy is the set of rules and regulations that organizations use to manage remote employees. It outlines employers' and employees' expectations and responsibilities when it comes to working from home or other remote locations.

It covers topics such as how to communicate with colleagues, manage work hours, what equipment is needed, what security measures need to be taken, and more. A good remote work policy should ensure that everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities for the team to succeed.

How to Create A Remote Work Policy?

A remote work policy is necessary for companies looking to increase productivity and reduce costs. But how do you create an effective remote work policy that will ensure great remote work culture?

In this article, we'll discuss the key elements of creating a successful remote work policy, such as setting clear expectations, providing adequate resources and support, and ensuring that your team is staying connected.

1. Establish the policy's objectives and purpose

The first step to creating an effective remote work policy is to determine the purpose and goals of the policy. The purpose for implementing a remote work policy and the expected results should be included in this step.

A remote work policy provides guidelines for employees and employers regarding remote work practices, remote working agreements, and legal rights and compliance. For example, the purpose of a remote work policy could be to increase employee productivity and flexibility, reduce overhead costs, or create a better work-life balance for employees.

The policy should also be customized to the particular objectives and requirements of the business. By determining the purpose and goals of the policy, the company can ensure that its remote work policy is clear, comprehensive, and properly aligned with its business objectives and helps manage a remote team effectively.

2. Identify which employees are eligible for remote work.

When crafting a work-from-home policy, it's important to consider which employees are eligible for remote work. This could be determined by job responsibilities, job level, employees performance and remote work skills.

For instance, you may decide that only employees at a certain job level or with a certain amount of experience are eligible for remote work. Alternatively, you may assess each employee's performance and willingness to participate in remote working agreements.

In addition, you should set specific remote work practices and guidelines that all remote workers must adhere to. This ensures that all remote workers understand their roles and are held liable for their performance.

You should also consider setting up criteria for selecting remote workers to ensure that the most capable and reliable candidates are chosen. By having a clear system for identifying eligible remote workers, you can create an effective remote work policy that is fair and beneficial for your organization.

3. Establish clear guidelines for communication, collaboration, and productivity

A remote work policy should provide clear remote communication, collaboration, and productivity guidelines. This will assist staff in understanding their obligations and how they will be held responsible.

It's important to define how employees stay connected with their teams and how their work will be managed and measured. For example, you may require regular check-ins via video conference or phone calls. You may also need to provide guidelines around remote working agreements and use of remote working tools, such as limits on working hours and expectations around responding to emails on time.

Additionally, you can provide best practices for remote work practices such as staying organized, being punctual for meetings, and remaining accessible for questions or feedback. By setting clear expectations up front, you'll ensure that everyone understands the requirements of a successful work-from-home policy.

4. Specify the requirements for remote work setup

When creating a work-from-home policy, employers must ensure that employees have the necessary equipment and resources to do their job effectively and safely. Having clear expectations before allowing employees to work remotely helps set them up for success. It guarantees that individuals have all of the tools they need to be productive and secured when working remotely.

Remote companies should also provide a list of best practices and guidelines for remote work, such as specific software or hardware requirements, communication protocols, and other relevant information.  

  • This includes ensuring that the remote worker has access to a reliable internet connection and adhering to the company's security and data privacy standards.
  • Cybersecurity is also important in any remote working agreement, so employers must equip remote workers with the right cybersecurity measures and training.
  • Establishing a strict remote work policy that outlines what activities are permissible when using remote devices can help protect the company's systems against cyberattacks and malicious software.

Similarly, providing remote workers with remote work practices and guidelines on protecting their own devices will help create a more secure environment and overcome challenges while working remotely.

Finally, it's essential to ensure that all remote workers are provided with remote working technology and support to get help quickly if they experience technical issues or require help troubleshooting problems related to remote working.

5. Establish the protocols for seeking and accepting remote work arrangements

In order to successfully manage a remote work policy, it's important to establish procedures for requesting and approving remote work. This should include any necessary forms and approval processes.

Organizations should outline how employees can make a formal request to work from home and the review process they will go through. This could include submitting an application detailing why they need to work remotely and/or obtaining written approval from their manager to work from home.

Once the request is approved, organizations should create remote working agreements that outline expectations for employee performance, communication, and other related remote work practices and guidelines.

These agreements should be signed by both parties and kept on file in case of future issues or disputes. Organizations can ensure that the remote work policy is properly managed by establishing clear procedures for requesting and approving remote work.

6. Communicate the policy to all employees and provide training and support

It is essential that the remote work policy is communicated to all employees so they are aware of the expectations and guidelines.

All employees should receive a copy of the policy and an agreement outlining the terms and conditions of remote working. It's important to ensure everyone understands their rights and responsibilities, so provide remote working agreements and instructions.

Once the policy has been communicated, it's important to provide training and support for remote workers. This could include setting up tutorials for remote work practices, providing resources to help with any technical issues, holding virtual team building activities and creating an accessible platform for sharing ideas and best practices.

Regular check-ins with remote workers can help make sure they understand the policy and can follow its rules and procedures.The goal is for all employees to feel comfortable with their remote work setup and feel supported by their team and managers.

By having a clear communication plan in place and providing proper training and support, remote workers will feel empowered to do their best work, avoid burnout and take care of their mental health as well.

A successful remote work policy requires ongoing commitment from companies and remote works to ensure a positive and productive work-from-home experience and transition your team to a proper remote workforce, easily.

7. Review and analyze the policy regularly to verify that it accomplishes its intended objectives

Creating and maintaining an effective remote work policy is essential for any company that wants to foster a productive and efficient work-from-home environment. Assessing and analyzing the policy frequently is critical to ensure its success. This process helps identify potential policy issues, such as unclear guidelines or unfair expectations, and make necessary adjustments.

When evaluating the remote work policy, it is important to consider the needs of both employers and employees. Remote companies need to determine if their remote working agreements are actually leading to increased productivity, collaboration, and communication and keeping remote workers motivated.

Employees should also be asked about their experience with the policy and the remote work practices and guidelines in place. These should be expressed throughout the review process if either side has any issues or suggestions.

Regularly reviewing and evaluating the policy allows employers to stay on top of changes in the remote work environment and remote work trends while allowing employees to provide feedback on their experience. This ensures that the work-from-home policy is achieving its intended goals and that everyone involved is comfortable with it.

To ensure that remote work practices comply with relevant laws and regulations, it is important to outline remote workers' legal rights and compliance clearly and ensure your remote company is legally compliant to do so.

This should include establishing a comprehensive work-from-home policy that outlines the rules, guidelines, and expectations for remote working agreements. In addition, it should include any relevant laws and regulations that need to be followed regarding remote work practices and guidelines.

Businesses must include legal rights and compliance in their policies. This includes ensuring employees have the right to a healthy workplace, adequate rest intervals and vacations, fair notice of business hours or duties changes, and acceptable compensation and labor conditions.

Additionally, employers must ensure that remote workers are protected from discrimination and harassment and that remote workers are protected from any illegal activities related to their work. Finally, employers should ensure that their remote work policies comply with any applicable labor laws and regulations.

By clearly outlining remote workers' legal rights and compliance, employers can ensure that their remote work policies comply with relevant laws and regulations. This will help create a safe and productive environment for employees while ensuring they are treated fairly and protected from potential harm.


Creating an effective remote work policy is essential to ensure your business can function smoothly while providing employees with the necessary flexibility. By following these steps, you can create a work-from-home policy that meets the needs of your business and your employees.

  • Taking the time to determine the purpose and goals of the policy.
  • Identify who is eligible for remote work
  • Establish clear communication guidelines
  • Specify requirements for remote setup will help ensure that your remote working agreements are successful.
  • Communicate the policy to employees and provide training and support.
  • Regularly review the policy, and ensure legal compliance.

Hopefully, we have provided important tips and inspiration to create your remote work policy. Although it can be challenging, there are so many advantages to having a remote work policy to manange a remote team.

Further, you can go over our guide to see how companies hire remote employees and learn other common questions remote workers ask. If you are remote job seeker looking for a remote job and don't know where to look? DailyRemote is a remote job board and have the latest jobs posted in various categories to help you. Finally, join like-minded people in our LinkedIn community.