How I Work Remotely: Stefan Palios


My vision is to create content that helps you get things done better and faster. I help entrepreneurs, executives, and people who take ownership at work do it better.

As a writer and journalist, I've interviewed over 150 entrepreneurs and change makers, conducted original research on topics like diversity and inclusion and workplace burnout, and edited for a niche news service focused on cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Current Location?

Toronto, Canada

Current Gig?

I run a remote media business called PulseBlueprint and I also run a personal newsletter about remote work and remote entrepreneurship called Remotely Inclined.

Where can we follow you on the Internet?

Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. My newsletter on remote work, Remotely Inclined.

Take us through your typical weekday?

Wake up, make coffee and myself an email with my tasks for the day. Get to work! This could mean: client calls, outlining or writing work for clients or PulseBlueprint or Remotely Inclined, or business admin.

Break-ish. This time is flexible for me. Sometimes it’s a workout or meditation or general break. Sometimes it’s a client call with a client on a tight schedule. Sometimes I continue working. At some point in this time I eat lunch.

Plan the “shut off” at around 5. Look at any tasks that need to be completed that day (no flexibility) and get them done ASAP. Everything else I push onto tomorrow if I can’t get it done today.

In the evening, have dinner and usually plug back into work around 8 - 9 pm again for 10-15 minutes just to make sure no emergencies happened in the early evening. End the day with some binge-watching Netflix / read / some other task to unwind from the day.

What’s your workspace setup like?

I have a desk in the living room! It’s small, but it’s mine. I keep a few trinkets on my desk like a tiny Eiffel Tower, my Downton Abbey ornament (I love Downton Abbey), and some books + my journal.

Above the desk on my wall, I keep sticky notes with my personal goals on them:

  • Number of books read.
  • Number of workouts done.
  • Number of articles published.
  • My savings goals.‌

Also, plan on getting a standing desk to take care of your health and you'd wanna get one of those noise cancelling headphones for remote work.

What apps, gadgets, or tools can’t you live without?

My favourite tools are Trello for task management, Buffer for social media scheduling and Substack where I host Remotely Inclined. Apart from that I couldn't work without my phone and my computer.

How do you recharge or take a break?

  • Meditate
  • Work out
  • Read
  • Watch Netflix
  • Go for a walk

What do you like to do in your free time?

Recharge! I truly love my work, so recharging and my free time are about helping me do more of that work in a healthy way.

I don’t want to fall into the trap of “being too busy driving to stop for gas”.

What are you reading currently? What do you recommend?

I always keep a fiction and non-fiction book going at any time and have an intention to read 20 books in 2020. Here’s what I’m reading:

Just finished:

  • Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)
  • A Gentleman in Moscow (Amor Towles)
  • The Membership Economy (Robbie Baxter)
  • Atomic Habits (James Clear)

Reading currently:

  • Fiction: Snobs (Julian Fellowes)
  • Non-Fiction: Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)

Advice for someone who is looking to switch to a remote job?‌

Your application is your opportunity to show you know how to be descriptive and contextual in a remote environment (if you think about it, every job application these days is a form of remote work).

What’s your favorite travel hack?

Two favourite hacks:

  • The more flexible you are with when you leave and come back, the better deals you can get. I saved over $200 per person on round-trip flights to Europe last year by having the flexibility to leave 3 days later and come back 5 days later than originally planned.
  • Bundling can really save a ton. I found 4 nights in a hotel + flights for 2 people for less than it would have cost for just the flight tickets because I bundled it on Expedia

How do you keep track of what you need to prioritize?

My daily email. I have four categories: Run the business, Grow the business, Clients, and Personal.

Aside: We also recommend following a daily routine and maintaining a to-do list while working remotely.  You can turn the productivity ship around by following simple tips.

What according to you are the pros and cons of remote work?


  • Control over your location.
  • Freedom over your time (to some extent in most cases).


  • No office perks - snacks + coffee can add up in costs.
  • Not everyone knows how to work with remote workers since the workplace mindset is still so in-person geared.
  • Incredibly high-value sales are still considered an in-person game, so even if you work remotely you may still have to travel or meet in-person for large opportunities.

‌Want to work remotely like Stefan? Go over our guide to see how companies hire remote employees and learn the most important qualities a remote worker must have.Visit the DailyRemote and apply to your dream job. Start preparing and keep in mind to avoid the common mistakes while applying for a remote job.Get started today. Finally, join like-minded people in our LinkedIn and Facebook community.