How I Work Remotely: Lorraine K. Lee


Hi there, I'm Lorraine, the Managing Editor at Prezi, where I lead an Editorial team that's building the visual communications platform into a top content destination that educates and inspires users all over the world. Before, I was a News Editor at LinkedIn for six years, focused on giving our members the news and views they need to talk about things that matter.

Current Location?

San Francisco

Current Gig?

Managing Editor at Prezi

Where can we follow you on the Internet?

Twitter, Linkedin, Website

Tell us a little bit about your background & how did you get started with remote work?

My company has always had a flexible work from home policy, so I was familiar with remote work before entering the unfortunate times. Before shelter-in-place orders began, our company was proactive and encouraged us to work from home if we felt more comfortable — which many of us ended up doing.

What job responsibilities do you have?

I lead the Editorial team at Prezi. We're focused on curating and featuring the best content that educates and inspires users worldwide to consume and create in Prezi. We're building it into a content destination that people regularly visit for the latest business and education insights, trends, and examples.

What's your workspace setup like?

I began my remote work setup working on my small kitchen table, which wasn’t ideal. I would eat and work in the same place, so it never really felt like I was ever “off” except when it was time to sleep. Therefore it is essential to follow proper remote work schedules to increase productivity.

After I got a separate set up with a standing desk and monitor, work became much more productive.

I also felt better because I was more clearly separating my workspace and non-work space. I didn't even realize how combining the two was stressing me out until I made the changes.

My workspace is also generally pretty clutter-free (a messy desk may be impacting you more than you think).One of the many benefits of remote work is being able to work from anywhere you want.

Remote Desk Setup

What apps, gadgets, or tools can't you live without?

The tools I use the most include: Clockwise to help me group my meetings and optimize for Focus Time; I use Prezi Video for async updates to avoid screen fatigue and burnout from too many live sessions while working remotely and for live-streamed meetings through Zoom, Google Meet, MSFT Teams, etc.

TimeOut has been a great app to remind me to give my eyes a break and to step away from my desk, and Calendly to help me schedule meetings with external partners.

DailyRemote Tips:  You can also look at the best headphones for remote work to get some tunes going while working.

What's your favorite travel hack?

Roll your clothes instead of folding them to save space in your luggage!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Before the pandemic, I frequently dined out and explored new parts of San Francisco (and I loved to travel, too!). I also did muay thai with a trainer.

How do you keep track of what you need to prioritize?

I use a combination of very detailed notes as well as a technique called time-boxing. To time-box, you set aside blocks of time to complete specific tasks; once it's up, you move on to the next thing.

This is an excellent technique to implement for both your work and personal life to make sure you can fit everything you need to do in your day.

Aside: You can turn the productivity ship around by following simple tips we, at DailyRemote collected from various remote workers.

How do you recharge or take a break?

I like to take stretch breaks throughout my day. A quick spinal twist, cat-cow, or even foam rolling can quickly be done in between meetings and give your eyes a much-needed break.

What are you currently reading? What do you recommend?

I just finished the "HBR Guide to Coaching Employees," which has given me some helpful frameworks to think through how to manage effectively.

Advice for someone who is looking to switch to a remote job?‌

Make sure your resume is optimized for remote work. There's a great Prezi video by career expert Brie Reynolds with tips for how to do this.

Any courses or material people can refer to when they are looking for a remote job?

I created a Google Doc with LinkedIn Tips and Tricks to help remote job seekers to optimize their job search and profile; I also have a few helpful videos in there with tips for a remote job search.

Another resource is "How to Manage a Remote Team" by Gitlab, the world's largest all-remote company.

‌Want to work remotely like Lorraine? Go over our guide to see how companies hire remote employees and learn essential qualities a remote employee must-have. We have also created a list of top 20 companies hiring remotely. Finally, join like-minded people in our LinkedIn and Facebook community.