How I Work Remotely: Amy Rachelle


Hey, I'm Amy Rachelle, founder of RemoteTrip. I’m passionate about the intersection of remote work, technology, and entrepreneurship and about helping others transition to a remote lifestyle. Since 2016, I founded two profitable online businesses which allow me to work remote.

In 2016, I founded The Remote Trip to bring together a like-minded community of (aspiring) remote workers to work, live, and travel around the world together. This year, we’re on a mission to help more people and businesses to transition from their 9-5-office job to working remotely.

Current Location?

Porto, Portugal

Current Gig?

Founder of The Remote Trip - we help people to launch & grow successful remote businesses (one you can manage from anywhere).

Where can we follow you on the Internet?

You can add me as a connection on LinkedIn here. I'm always open to connecting with fellow like-minded people, so feel free to reach out.

Describe how you work in 10 words or less?

I usually work from my home office or I'll explore a café nearby.

Tell us a little bit about your background & how did you get started with remote work?

I've worked at several 9-5 corporate offices before, and the idea of being stuck to an office 40+ hours/week freaked me out. I'd traveled a lot during my studies, so in 2016, I decided to quit my high-paying corporate job to book a one-way ticket to Thailand. That's where The Remote Trip was born.

We started to organize work & travel trips for (aspiring) remote workers, freelancers, and online entrepreneurs and have literally been all around the world. It was a lot of fun! However, we realized that many people wanted to transition to working remotely to live the lifestyles we lived, but still had no idea how to make the leap. Therefore, we decided to focus on building resources for people who still need to transition to remote work first.

Since our team and clients have managed to launch & grow several successful six- and seven-figure (remote) businesses over the last few years, we spend a lot of time to create a comprehensive online course to teach you step-by-step how to launch and grow your own successful remote business.

This was the resource we wished we had when we started out.It's called our TRT MasterCourse: Kickstart & Grow Your Own Remote Business. This is what we focus on today, however we have many exciting things coming up (and, who knows, maybe even a trip again in the future!)

What’s your workspace setup like?

For a long time, I mainly worked from my laptop as I was traveling a lot. Now that I'm more settled, I love to work with a monitor in addition to my laptop screen and work from both. It's been a life changer!

One of the many benefits of remote work, is being able to work from anywhere you want.

What apps, gadgets, or tools can’t you live without?

Laptop stand (I use Nexstand), Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, Extra monitor, Trello, Google Docs, Journal planner. Also, you'd wanna get one of those noise cancelling headphones for remote work.

How do you keep track of what you need to prioritize?

I use a journal planner where I plan and keep track of my prioritized tasks each day. It's easy to see in one overview what needs to be done and what has priority. Plus, there is something sweet about writing your tasks down by pen and crossing off your list as you go throughout the day!

Aside: We also recommend following a daily routine and maintaining a to-do list while working remotely. We've recently written on how you can turn the productivity ship around by following simple tips.

What job responsibilities do you have?

As a business owner, you're always wearing many hats, which makes work very varying and exciting in my opinion.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to go out for a walk and catch a sunset, or to do an outdoor activity. Last week, for example, my partner and I decided to take a Monday off from work because the weather was great, and go for a kayak adventure!

That's what I love so much about working on your own remote business - the flexibility and freedom to decide to take a break whenever you feel you need it.

What’s your favorite travel hack?

For long-term travels - only book accommodation for the first few nights you are there. Then check out accommodation locally and negotiate rental prices.

What are you reading currently? What do you recommend?

I've just finished reading "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. The book teaches you how to find joy by living in the present moment, rather than constantly thinking about the past or future. Definitely recommended.

What qualities would you recommend are a must-have for a person seeking a remote job?

Communication and self-discipline are one of the most important qualities a person seeking remote work must have.

Having strong written and verbal communication skills is important being an independent troubleshooter since you have to telecommute. Go over our guide to see how companies hire remote employees and learn the most important qualities a remote worker must have.

Want to work remotely like Amy? Visit DailyRemote and apply to your dream job. Start preparing and keep in mind to avoid the common mistakes while applying for a remote job. If you want to be featured on our blog? Contact us. Finally, join like-minded people in our LinkedIn and Facebook community.