How I Work Remotely: Tiffany Cagwin


Hey! My name’s Tiffany Cagwin, and I’m the Senior People Experience Manager at Shogun. An explorer at heart with a never-ending curiosity for learning new things, meeting new people, and seeing new places.

Nothing is more satisfying than creating an inclusive workplace that is exceptional by being intentional about culture, cultivating connectedness, and designing programs that help both individuals and the company grow.

Current Location?

Syracuse, NY

Current Gig?

Senior People Experience Manager at Shogun

Where can we follow you on the Internet?

LinkedIn, Twitter

Describe how you work in 10 words or less?

Standing mostly, with my dog Newton at my feet.

Tell us a little bit about your background & how did you get started with remote work?

I have had quite the winding road of a career. I started as a teacher, moved into business and higher education administration, then entrepreneur, then into remote operations for a tech company!

I opened a yoga studio in 2011, and over eight years grew it from a tiny one-room studio into a multi-location business with 75+ staff before selling it in 2019. During the sale process, as I started job searching, I listened to many podcasts and researched great companies. What I discovered was the most of the people and companies that inspired me were leading teams remotely.

They had the best perspectives on culture, autonomy, and work-life balance, so I just kind of went down the rabbit hole in the remote space, learning as much as possible and connecting with thought leaders in the space. The more I learned, the more excited I became about the remote work model's possibilities to both business and employees.

I was also used to absolute freedom & flexibility as a business owner that I wasn't willing to sacrifice by going back to an office, so I started focusing my search efforts on finding an operations job with a great remote company. I hit the jackpot with Shogun!

What job responsibilities do you have?

Well, my boss and I both joke that we do “all the things”! As is the case with most startups, my responsibilities are pretty broad, and I often have to be flexible to jump in and help other team members as needed.

For the past year, I’ve been responsible for everything in People Operations (with a few business ops tasks mixed in). We are currently expanding our People Ops team; my new role will be to focus on performance management, culture, team member experience & satisfaction, and acting as an HRBP to our leadership team.

What’s your workspace setup like?

I have a lovely home office with two windows, so lots of natural light. I have a few plants, a salt lamp, an air purifier, and an essential oil diffuser, along with equipment and books.

For equipment, I have a Macbook Pro on a stand, a second large monitor, and a ring light for video calls. I also have a “secondary” workspace in my dining room with a standing desk and two different standing desk mats. I love alternating between the two spaces during the day for a change of scenery and to make sure I’m not sitting all day!

Extra: Working in a remote team is a thrilling experience; you can enhance it by adding these top remote working tools to help you get away from distractions.

What apps, gadgets, or tools can’t you live without?

Todoist! Seriously, I don’t know how I ever survived before it, haha. I also worked for a few months with just my laptop before getting an external monitor, which was a game-changer. The ring light is my new favorite and helps the quality of my zoom calls.

How do you keep track of what you need to prioritize?

I use Asana for PM - to keep an eye on projects & deadlines and then Todoist for building out my day-to-day tasks.

How do you recharge or take a break?

On a day-to-day basis: reading, meditating, playing with my dog, spending time outside. For a bigger reset, my husband and I generally aim to attend one yoga retreat a year, usually in Costa Rica, and we also try to do a long sailing trip every couple of years.

We love any travel, but with yoga retreats and sailing trips, we truly unplug and recharge. I always come back from those trips feeling healthier, happier, and refreshed.

What are you reading currently? What do you recommend?

I’m currently reading “Food: WTF Should I Eat?” by Dr. Mark Hyman. Everyone should read this book!! I also highly recommend his other book “The Ultramind Solution”.  Those are more overall wellness and lifestyle recommendations.  

For work, I would recommend “The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever” by Michael Bungay Stanier.  It’s a great, easy read with really effective coaching as leadership tips.  It’s a reference book I have come back to repeatedly and have found the strategies to have profound impact.

Advice for someone who is looking to switch to a remote job?‌

Network on LinkedIn and get involved in the conversation! Listen to podcasts, reach out to people, attend events like Network placeless (a once a month remote professional networking event hosted by Work placeless).

What qualities would you recommend are a must-have for a person seeking a remote job?

Discipline, organisation, great communication skills, strong work ethic.

What, according to you, are the pros and cons of remote work?

Pros: Control over the work environment, no commuting, the flexibility of schedule, autonomy in your work.

Cons: Can be lonely, hard to maintain work/life boundaries, more challenging to connect with co-workers, and build meaningful relationships.

‌Want to work remotely like Tiffany? We recommend going over the list of top remote companies hiring. Still facing issues searching a remote job and are not sure where to look? We are a remote job board and have latest jobs posted in various categories to help you. Finally, join like-minded people in our LinkedIn and Facebook community.