§ Provide real-time assistance to T2s and handle escalated calls for offline devices when all Senior NOC agents are unavailable.
§ Proactive Network Monitoring
ü Nagios Alerts monitoring – Hosts and Services.
ü Meraki dashboard and alerts monitoring.
ü Create a ticket and initiate contact to sites to troubleshoot and resolve Proactive monitoring cases.
ü Notify properties of offline/down equipment through calls and/or email and provide options to send a technician to resolve or replacement if unable to troubleshoot.
§ Contact properties to get approval for dispatches and hardware replacement through calls and emails.
§ Create, assign and handle tech dispatches.
ü The scope of work will determine the amount of time needed to work with the technician/s
ü Team member notifies the customer of the dispatch schedule and ETA.
§ Work with Tech Dispatches related to:
ü Troubleshoot/Recover Offline devices
ü Install Replacement Devices. Configure replacement device from factory default, have the device installed in the network and test connection over.
ü Install SOHO/Temporary Router
§ Initiate Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA), follow up and close of faulty materials/hardware. This is done through support call, chat and email.
§ Update Follow up and Refused to Troubleshoot tracking spreadsheets.
§ Run, follow up and complete P.I.C (Post Installation Check)
§ Complete the following tasks after running the P.I.C.
ü Add all installed equipment to the database. This is done by exporting data into an excel file and be imported into the database.
ü Install NMS package which is being used to monitor installed devices
ü Install/setup Splash page
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