Hire The Best Remote Employees

Share your job post with millions of remote job seekers

Job Details

Including a salary range in the job posting, such as $70K to $100K for a Software Engineer, increases the likelihood of attracting more applicants. Simply enter the starting salary as 70 and the maximum as 100; the dollar sign and 'K' for thousands will be automatically added.

Company Details

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Current Price: $147 + taxes

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Send us an email.

Do you offer free trials?

Absolutely! Please send us an email, and we can arrange a pilot run for you.

How long will my job be visible?

Your job posting will be visible for 30 days.

Do you offer services for staffing agencies?

Yes, we provide job post packages, subscription options, and a pay-for-performance model.

Can I pay later?

For your convenience, you can forward the payment link to someone else, such as your finance department, who can complete the payment on your behalf. To opt for this, click the "Pay and Publish" button and select the "Pay Later" option. You will see an alert with a URL that you can copy to the clipboard and forward as needed. Your job details will be safely stored on our servers as a draft. Once the payment is completed, your job will be posted.

How do I edit or delete a posted job?

Please email contact@dailyremote.com for assistance with editing or deleting your job post.

Can I get a discount?

Yes, for discount inquiries, please email contact@dailyremote.com.

Can I pay based on the number of applications received?

Yes, this option is available, but we only offer it to companies that are hiring at scale. For individual job posts, this option is not available.

How do I request an invoice?

Please email us to request an invoice.

What's the success rate of hiring from your platform?

The success rate varies, but we are trusted by major companies such as Google, Stripe, and Atlassian.